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Now | SOCIAL MEDIA Central Queens United is on Facebook and YouTube. |
Now | DONATIONS Wondering how to donate to Central Queens United? Visit the donation page which list several methods of donating to our church. We are now able to accept donations via e-transfer. |
Now | SUNDAY SCHOOL LEADER AND HELPERS NEEDED We are still looking for someone to lead Sunday School and others to help out. Please contact the church office if you can help with this very important ministry. |
Now | SUNDAY WORSHIP CANCELLATIONS In the event of inclement weather, an announcement will be made by made on Ocean 100 by 9 a.m. It will also be posted on our Facebook page and this web site. |
Now | BROADVIEW It's time to renew your subscription to Broadview. To renew your subscription or for new subscriptions, please contact Velda at 902-940-7674. Cost is $30/year. All subscriptions are due by Saturday, March 1st. |
Now | ELECTION OF ELDERS Each year four (4) elders retire, and four (4) new elders are elected. Ballots are now available on the table in the foyer. Be sure to pick up your ballot. After you have made your selections, please deposit in the silver box in the foyer. Ballot deadline is Sunday, March 2nd. |
February 9 | WORSHIP SERVICE Fifth after Epiphany A video of this service is available on our Facebook page and our YouTube channel.. |
February 16 | SCRIPTURE READINGS The scripture readings selected for Sunday, February 16th, are: Jeremiah 17:5-10 Those who trust in God are like trees planted by water. Psalm 1 (Voices United #724) Blessed are those who follow God's law. 1 Corinthians 15:12-20 How can you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? Luke 6:17-26 The Beatitudes upon the plain. |
February 16 | WORSHIP SERVICE Sixth after Epiphany The worship service is at 10:30 a.m. in-person and live-streamed on our Facebook page. |
February 16 | FUNDSCRIP An order will be placed on February 16th. You can reach Janet Howes by email or by phone or text (902-393-1527). E-transfers accepted. The February promotion is Sobeys/Lawtons/Foodland for 5%. |
February 16 | SLEIGH RIDE Come enjoy the snow and winter with a sleigh ride at Great Northern Adventures in Mount Herbert on Sunday, February 16th, starting at 2 p.m. Cost is $10/person, children under 4 are free. All are welcome. Please contact Walter at (902) 213-7015 by Friday if you plan on attending. |
February 20 | ROSEWOOD SERVICE Rosewood service will be held on February 20th, at 6:30 p.m. The UCW will be assisting Greg with the service. |
February 21 | BOOKWORMS UNITED Our next meeting will be on Friday, February 21st, at 10 a.m. at the church. We will be discussing The Glass Hotel. Feel free to join us and pick up next month's book. All are welcome. |
February 23 | SCRIPTURE READINGS The scripture readings selected for Sunday, February 23rd, are: Genesis 45:3-11, 15 Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers. Psalm 37:1-11, 39-40 (Voices United #763) Do not fret; trust in God. 1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50 Understanding resurrection. Luke 6:27-38 Love your enemies, be merciful. |
March 2 | FUNDSCRIP The next order date is March 2nd. You can reach Janet Howes by email or by phone or text (902-393-1527). E-transfers accepted. |
Now | BULLETIN Please have any items for the church bulletin to the church office by Wednesday evening. Bulletin items can be emailed to |
Now | WEEKLY BULLETINS Weekly bulletins can be sponsored by you in celebration or remembrance of a loved one. There is a signup sheet on the table at the back of the sanctuary. Cost is $20.00. |
Now | PUZZLE/BOOK EXCHANGE Be sure to check out the wide variety of books and puzzles available in the hall. Help yourself to a puzzle and/or book or bring some of your own to share! |
Now | SCENT-FREE Recognizing that some of our church attendees have sensitivity and/or allergic reactions to various fragrant products, we ask that you not use scented products. Personal fragrant products (fragrances, colognes, lotions, powders, hair products, and other similar products) that are perceptible to others should not be worn. Thank you for your cooperation so that everyone can attend our church. "No scents makes good sense." |
Now | POP CAN PULL TABS The funds from your pull tabs go to the Shriners Hospital in Montreal where they are used to buy reading materials for children in hospital. Your pull tabs can be dropped off at the church. Thank you. |
Now | FOOD BANK Please remember to support the Food Bank with non-perishable food items. You can drop items off in the wooden box in the church foyer any Sunday or during church office hours. |
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