Central Queens United Church


Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Region
Central Queens Pastoral Charge is part of the Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Region.

General Council
This is the United Church of Canada's web site.

The United Church of Canada’s YouTube Channel can be found at www.youtube.ca/unitedchurchofcanada.

UCRD (United Church Resource Distribution)
UCRD is committed to carrying all General Council materials including United Church Publishing House (UCPH) publications, a selection of book resources from other suppliers, church supplies, and more.

This is the web site for the United Church magazine Broadview.

The Manual
The Manual 2024 can be downloaded as Portable Document Format (PDF) files from the United Church of Canada web site.

Tatamagouche Centre
The web site for the Tatamagouche Centre which is a year-round education, retreat, and conference centre.  The Centre may be better known to some as ACTC (Atlantic Christian Training Centre).

Canadian Bible Society
The web site for the Canadian Bible Society.